Most brides-to-be are on the fast track, aiming to plan everything perfectly and still look good while doing it. With all the fuss and planning, your health can often be the last thing you pay attention to. Here are some tips to cultivate a healthier you, whether you are on a quest to lose weight, have glowing skin or to just look and feel healthy, there is something for everyone.
In the Morning
- Drink water with a touch of lemon. Starting your morning with way aids the digestion and stimulates the liver. This in turn relieves toxins from your body, which are the main cause of sluggishness and other unhealthy signs.
- Stretch out your body before you step out of bed. This is a wonderful and gentle way to relax your wakening and possibly stiff muscles. It helps reduce tension and increases flexibility.
- Treat yourself to an everyday breakfast of nutrition. The best breakfast is said to be one that constitutes healthy fats (monounsaturated, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids), proteins and low-GI carbohydrates. Eating this type of breakfast harmonizes your blood-sugar levels and provides you with energy that keeps mid-morning cravings at bay (which are caused by unbalanced blood-sugar levels).
In the Afternoon
- Get moving outside; go for a walk in the fresh air and breathe in well. Whether during your lunch hour or not, find a space to grant yourself this little pleasure.
- Eat a lunch that is balanced with proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Even if you want to eat a salad, there are countless ways of creating a balanced meal.
- Snack on fruit in-between meals.
- If you work in a workspace that has bad or glaring light, close your eyes in relaxation every hour. This relaxes and calms the stimuli that your brain is receiving. You’ll be surprised at how valuable this can be, especially if you are often staring at a computer screen.
In the Evening
- When you are driving home in the traffic, it is easy to get lost in the frustration of the moment. However, situations in traffic are not even that bad, and what you are doing is seeing the traffic as a source or outlet for your frustration. This sounds healthier than it is. Shift your experience by playing music that you know calms you or even a comedian to get the giggles flowing. By the time you get home you have left all the work drama where it belongs, and you keep your home feeling like the sanctuary it is.
- Allow yourself to unwind, disengaging your senses from the overstimulation of your workday. Remember that nothing else other than the moment you are in holds value for you. You can do this either through a hobby or exercise, just don’t rely solely on the television for this relaxation and connection as it is sure to eventually leave you feeling even more drained and washed out than before.
- Lastly, keep a journal where each evening you can write your wedding plan progress. This inhibits your mind from any unnecessary worrying and harnesses your energy for things that enhance your current experience, in turn enhancing your big day.